3 Telltale Signs You’ve Been Gaming For Too Long!

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Gaming is a favorite pastime for many guys and gals, but there are times where you've maybe been at it for too long. We all love long gaming sessions, and it's easy to get carried away when you're online with friends or getting stuck into a new game. Unfortunately, it's not a good idea to spend too long sat in front of your game console. Taking regular breaks is good for your health, helps you recharge, and can actually clear your head (improving your gaming performance!).

Keeping that in mind, here are some warning signs to look for that tell you you've been gaming for too long:

You've lost track of time

Have you ever started playing a game, then looked outside and it's suddenly dark? You glance at your phone and see that 8 hours passed in a blur. This is a massive sign that you've been gaming for far too long. You shouldn't lose track of time when you game as you can miss meals or forget to drink water. Plus, it messes with your brain when you're trying to figure out how it suddenly went from morning to night in what feels like the blink of an eye. If you ever check the time and are surprised at how late it is, it's probably time for a break!

Your eyes start burning

This is sometimes accompanied by blurred vision, and it comes from straining your eyes for too long. It's a common symptom when looking at screens for hours on end, and it's a pretty significant warning sign. Not only does this tell you that you've been gaming for ages, but it also suggests you're damaging your eyesight. Keep doing this every day, and you'll soon have a slick pair of frames resting on your face, with high-powered lenses in the middle. When your eyes start burning or you squint loads, it's your body's way of telling you to take a rest.

You start getting a headache

Similarly, your body can tell you it's all gamed out when you have a headache. Funnily enough, this can come about as a result of the previous two signs. If you lose track of time, you forget to eat and drink, making you feel hungry and dehydrated. As a result, a headache is almost certain to come along. Likewise, when you get severe eye strain, it's common to suffer from a headache that manifests itself behind your eyes. Or, it could be a headache that's come about due to exhaustion and tiredness. In any case, it's a sign that your body is screaming out at you to put the controller down.

Hopefully, you'll take a break before any of these signs express themselves! Still, if you notice them during a gaming session, it's time to step away and let yourself recharge. It's much better for your health to game for 4 hours, have a 1-hour or so break, then game for another 4 hours, rather than game for 8 hours straight!

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